7x19 Stainless Steel Wire

7x19 wire is used for halyards, some adjustable back stays, steering systems and center boards when the wire will be turning over a sheave or block.  The multi strand construction makes the wire easier to bend over a radius than 1x19 and 7x7 wire.  If your using an all wire halyard, wire to rope halyard, or an adjustable back stay this is the wire to use.
1/8" 7x19 stainless
Price: $1.03
5/32" 7x19 stainless
Price: $1.31
3/16" 7x19 stainless
Price: $1.69
7/32 7x19 stainless
Price: $2.73
1/4" 7x19 stainless
Price: $2.89
5/16" 7x19 stainless
Price: $4.23